More countries that is spread by AIDS

More countries that is spread by AIDS

AIDS is a serious disease, and now we find many of the countries infected with the dreaded disease, it is making a lot of efforts to combat AIDS with the bringing of many therapies and vaccines that are being developed. We ask you in our theme this for most of the countries affected by HIV

1) South Africa:
South Africa is one of the countries of the world, we find that the majority of patients infected with HIV, studies have reported that about 5.6 million patients infected with Q, which lead to HIV, and it is disturbing to about 12% of the total population of South Africa, who suffer from this epidemic, according to estimates every year the number of deaths around 310,000 people to the government as a result of the disease, trying to the country to do its utmost to control the disease, but there is still a need for awareness campaigns to be launched in the country to control it effectively.

2) Botswana:
Botswana is the state which have reported the first case infected with HIV, and the first time that reported in 1985, the second country in the world than most of the country affected by AIDS, and since then the country subject to this severe illness, and is reported to be 320, 000 people are living with HIV, and the disease affects a severe impact on the development process in the country, where the mortality rate has increased, and this is alarming that needs to take effective measures to control the problem.

3) India:
India is the third country to widespread immune disease "AIDS" deficiency, HIV cases have amounted to about 2.4 million people in the country.

India suffers from depriving a large number of inhabitants of the facilities, and for the good health and in the south-east area of ​​the territory in the northeastern provinces, which are often affected by this disease, so India needs to raise awareness, especially in areas with less education, and community areas to combat and adapt to preventive resistance measures to protect themselves from the disease.

4) Kenya:
Kenya is the fourth-states is increasing the number of individuals infected with HIV, where the number of the people infected with HIV to around 1.5 million, and in the past few years, serious, improved health conditions of the country, so the virus infection rates have fallen , but there is still a need to improve more.

5) Zimbabwe:
Zimbabwe is the fifth town to contain most of the countries affected by AIDS in the world's disease, where the prevalence of HIV rate of around 14.9%, but also improved due to the awareness campaigns launched by the government in the country, where decreased even amounted to 22.1% in 2003. It was this improvement is the result of intense immigration experienced health professionals to Zimbabwe.

6) United States of America:
Despite the progress the United States, but it is the sixth largest country affected by AIDS on the globe disease. HIV virus in the United States the rate is also very exciting for concern. It has been transformed HIV into the United States from the immigrants in the 1960's where he gets many countries in the Middle and the South from other coastal areas, and a lot is subject to this disease, and totaled US citizens who suffer from HIV nearly 1,148,200 people this Very dangerous .

7) Democratic Republic of Congo:
Is the seventh country infected with HIV than most of the world, and the information received that the number of infected about 1.1 million people in the Congo, where suffering from HIV AIDS, one of the first African countries exposed to the deadly disease, and to be reported for unprotected sexual relations in the country where it is the main cause of transmission of the disease.

8) Mozambique:
Of proportion is about 11.3% of the population in Mozambique, and facing humanity there extreme of HIV risk, and this means that the disease is found to be formally distributed to the people in every part of the country, where the number of infected people was about 74,000 people, and has become Mozambique target for this disease.

9) Tanzania:
The total of injured at about 1.4 million people in Tanzania who suffer from the amount of positive HIV, and women in the country suffer from this disease than men, with about 60% of women experience this problem, and about 86,000 people die in Tanzania AIDS disease in this country.

10) Malawi:
Malawi has about 10.0% of patients infected with HIV, and about 68,000 people die each year in this government with this disease, and Malawi have been slow to start in dealing with this disease, but with the passage of time, the government was taking a great interest to control this epidemic , now the situation has improved.
