►Obesity causes annual losses in productivity◄

While obesity in the labor cost of about $ 8 billion of losses in productivity due to increased absenteeism in the United States, according to a study from Yale University, this study, published in the journal "Nl Of Ookiobischonal Land Anvaironmentel Medicine" is the first study to address the cases of absenteeism from work due to obesity, according to the curators, who have estimated the annual loss of $ 14.4 million in Wyoming (west) and $ 907 million in California (West). According to Agence France Presse.

The total cost was estimated at 8.65 billion dollars per year, which represents 9.3% of the total losses due to absenteeism of reasons all of which, she told Tatyana Ondreyeva main value of this study to "identify all the costs associated with obesity, including losses productivity, is very important to know how to avoid them, "and affect obesity in US adults and one in three, or 78 million people. The authorities are stepping up public and private initiatives to address this big problem in the field of public health, estimated medical cost of about $ 190 billion per year, according to the Institute of Medicine.
